Shipping of Pre-orders of Clip 2 started in December 2015. If you are still waiting for yours, please see for detailed estimations on your delivery.
If you order today, we estimate delivery to 8-10 weeks from date of purchase.
Order of Clip 1
Delivery in 2-3 business days
Fill in your order number and email address to see if your order status
When you have your tracking number our fulfilment partner will provide you with an estimated arrival time of your Clip
Order of Clip 2.
Shipping of Pre-orders of Clip 2 started in December 2015. If you are still waiting for yours, please see for detailed estimations on your delivery.
If you order today, we estimate delivery to 8-10 weeks from date of purchase.
Order of Clip 1
Delivery in 5-6 business days
Fill in your order number and email address to see if your order has been shipped i.e. sent to our warehouse
When you have your tracking number our fulfilment partner will provide you with an estimated arrival time of your Clip
Once your clip has left our warehouse you can expect it within 5-6 business days if you are located in the EU
Order of Clip 2.
Shipping of Pre-orders of Clip 2 started in December 2015. If you are still waiting for yours, please see for detailed estimations on your delivery.
If you order today, we estimate delivery to 8-10 weeks from date of purchase.
Order of Clip 1
Current Shipping Lead Time is 2-3 days
Fill in your order number and email address to see if your order has been shipped i.e. sent to our warehouse
Shipping lead time indicates the number of business days from when you placed your order util you have your tracking number.
When you have your tracking number our fulfilment partner will provide you with an estimated arrival time of your Clip
Locations outside of the US & EU will require longer lead times. If you would like expedited shipping to locations outside of the US or EU, reach out to